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Yadira Polo

Artist and cultural manager, she was born in Bogotá in 1953. She has lived most of
his life in Bucaramanga. She completed her professional studies at the Industrial University of Santander, receiving the title of Master of Fine Arts, additionally she has studies in Cultural Management, Museography and Curatorship. Initially her artistic work materialized it through oil painting, but throughout her artistic life she had always been fascinated by images and how the world is symbolized through them, so she was attracted to photography, becoming a tool of his work, of conceptual and formal recreation for the development of his proposals. His artistic work has rotated between photography, installation and
painting. He has participated in exhibitions in Colombia, the United States, Spain, Brazil and Germany. Her professional experience has been developed in cultural management, museography and mediation workshops.
It belongs to the collective "LaColectiva" from where exhibitions around the genre are managed and produced, articulating all the work with the formation of the public through workshops with the

I don't know

Captura de pantalla 2020-09-15 a la(s) 9
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